Installing AKS Helm Charts

Add a helm repo eg. azure marketplace

helm repo add azure-marketplace

Search for a helm file in the added local repos

helm search repo {filter keyword:optional}

Test a helm char (simulated)

helm install --debug --dry-run my-release ./chart-name

Install helm chart

helm install {values .yaml file to use:optional} my-release ./char-name

You can use a .tgz or repository-name/chart-name instead of ./char-name

Example output:

NAME: aks-store-demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jul 11 19:38:35 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Query installed releases on cluster

helm list

To upgrade an existing release

helm upgrade my-app ./app-chart

This will only update the delta

Get manifest information for a release

helm get manifest aks-store-demo

Validate pod is deployed

kubectl get pods -o wide -w

Delete a helm release

helm delete aks-store-demo

Install helm chart with set values from cli

helm install --set replicaCount=5 aks-store-demo ./aks-store-demo

If a helm chart has "dependencies:" install them with

helm dependency build ./app-chart

Update dependency

helm dependency update ./app-chart

View helm deployment/upgrade history

helm history my-app

Roll back helm release

helm rollback my-app 2

Note: the "2" is referring to the revision output from "helm history ..."

Examples of using function, like if statements, in helm charts